A significant approach within formal semantics utilizes frameworks derived from category theory, notably pioneered by Joachim Lambek. Lambek's categorial grammars, particularly the Lambek Calculus (LC), provide a mathematically precise way to model the syntax-semantics interface.
In LC, syntactic categories (types) are assigned to words. We start with a set of basic types, typically \( n \) (for noun or noun phrase) and \( s \) (for sentence). Complex types are built using binary connectives:
- \( A / B \) (over): A category that seeks a category \( B \) to its right to form category \( A \).
- \( B \backslash A \) (under): A category that seeks a category \( B \) to its left to form category \( A \).
- \( A \bullet B \) (product): Represents a sequence of \( A \) followed by \( B \) (less commonly used in basic parsing).
Words in the lexicon are assigned one or more types. For example:
- John :: \( n \)
- walks :: \( n \backslash s \) (an intransitive verb: needs a noun \(n\) to its left to form a sentence \(s\))
- likes :: \( (n \backslash s) / n \) (a transitive verb: needs a noun \(n\) to its right to form \(n \backslash s\), which then needs a noun \(n\) to its left to form \(s\))
- the :: \( n / n \) (a determiner: needs a common noun \(n\) to its right to form a noun phrase \(n\))
Grammaticality is determined by provability within a sequent calculus. A sequent is an expression of the form \( \Gamma \vdash A \), where \( \Gamma \) is a sequence of types \( C_1, \dots, C_k \) and \( A \) is a type. This asserts that the sequence of types \( \Gamma \) can combine to form the type \( A \). Determining if a sequence of words forms a sentence corresponds to proving a sequent like \( \text{type}_1, \dots, \text{type}_k \vdash s \).
The core of the calculus lies in its inference rules. The application rules (corresponding to function application) are fundamental for parsing:
Forward Application (\( /L \)):
\frac{\Gamma \vdash B \quad \Delta, A, \Theta \vdash C}
{\Delta, \Gamma, A / B, \Theta \vdash C}
This rule states that if \( \Gamma \) yields a \( B \), and \( A/B \) occurs immediately to the right of \( \Gamma \) in a sequence that yields \( C \), then the \( A/B \) consumes the \( B \) derived from \( \Gamma \), leaving an \( A \) in its place within the sequence.
Backward Application (\( \backslash L \)):
\frac{\Gamma \vdash B \quad \Delta, A, \Theta \vdash C}
{\Delta, B \backslash A, \Gamma, \Theta \vdash C}
This rule states that if \( \Gamma \) yields a \( B \), and \( B \backslash A \) occurs immediately to the left of \( \Gamma \) in a sequence that yields \( C \), then the \( B \backslash A \) consumes the \( B \) derived from \( \Gamma \), leaving an \( A \) in its place.
For instance, to parse "John walks", we assign types \( n \) and \( n \backslash s \) respectively. We want to prove the sequent \( n, n \backslash s \vdash s \). Using the Backward Application rule (\( \backslash L \)), we can see this holds: \[ \frac{ n \vdash n \quad s \vdash s } { n, n \backslash s \vdash s } (\backslash L) \] (Here, \( \Gamma = n \), \( B = n \), \( A = s \), \( \Delta \) and \( \Theta \) are empty sequences, and \( C = s \). The premise \( s \vdash s \) is an axiom \(A \vdash A\)).
This framework implements a principle of strict type-driven compositionality. The syntactic derivation (proof in the calculus) directly corresponds to the semantic composition, often linked via the Curry-Howard isomorphism to lambda calculus terms representing meanings. This provides a robust foundation for analyzing the syntax-semantics interface and has influenced research areas demanding precise meaning representations.